Pandawa Beach has a stunning panorama with serene and quiet atmosphere. When entering the beach area, we will be amazed by beautiful panorama of high cliff, flanking the road along 1.5 km. When we pass through the new access to Pandawa Beach, we will be provided a complimentary amazing view of white sandy beach with Indian Ocean just in front of it. On the way down to the beach, we will discover several caves with beautiful ornament of white stone statue taking the inspiration of Panca Pandawa(5 big brothers from Mahabaratha epoch). The statues are beautiful craved with Balinese ornaments and to be one of spot for photo taking when visiting this sight. The Pandawa Beach’s name is taken from the name of 5 big brothers at Mahabaratha epoch consisted of Yudistira, Bima, Arjuna, Sahadewa and Nakula. This story had inspired the Balinese Hindu social life those are reflecting their cultures.

Besides that, there is also an interesting recreation activity around this area which is called paragliding. If the weather is fine and the wind is quite strong, you can see or try this activity directly. The location for starting this activity is actually not in Pandawa Beach, but in Timbis Hill which is not too far from this beach. Usually, this paragliding activity is done in day or afternoon time, if the weather meets the requirements. While you are paragliding, you will be able to see the true beauty of Pandawa Beach from the height.
Location : Kutuh Village, South Kuta District, Badung Regency